Navigating Personal Growth this Year

Celestial Sound Bites: March 2025 Edition

FREE Event. Celestial Sound, a home studio for therapeutic sound bath meditation, is excited to announce the opening of its new location at 3442 Sunset Beach Lane, Suamico.  The open house will take place on March 10, 2025, from 9 AM to 2 PM.  Pop in for as much or as little time as you like. See the beautiful, relaxing space nestled between Sensiba Wildlife Area and the Bay of Green Bay. Experience a demo sound bath with Brenda and enter a raffle for a free 40-minute individual sound session. Brenda will gladly share details of her services for individuals, groups, businesses, schools, and care facilities.

Lessons in Life School (Book excerpt)

The times, they are a changin’. That’s fairly obvious to us all. But what does it mean for each of us as we navigate a world being made new week by week, day by day, and moment by moment? When the ground is shifting beneath your feet, how are you to navigate it?

Let me suggest that if you’ve not completed your inner work, now is the time. It is so important to regain your steady and grounded footing, both for yourself and the ones in your orbit who depend upon you. Engaging in practices that rebalance and ground you can create systems in mind, body, and spirit that are centered, peaceful, and light, even as CRAZY rages about you. (Think Monks on a distant mountaintop.)

To be in a constant state of fear or worry does no one any good. But to know WHO you are at your essence, to love yourself, trust yourself, and know your true worth and divine nature is what allows you to ride the waves (or the tsunamis). I’d like to share a segment of a chapter titled “Here We Go Again” from my book, Lessons in Life School that might provide a useful perspective on moments that feel all too familiar, as if you have to keep learning the same lesson over and over. MORE INFORMATION

Here We Go Again

Here we go again! How often do you find yourself thinking or saying these words? Often they are accompanied by a tone – that impatient, disgusted, incredulous tone. And whatever the situation that precipitated these words, you would probably rather not be in it.

As you can probably guess, one of my significant lessons in Life School has been catalyzed by these four words: Here we go again. Challenging family dynamics once again provided the context for my lesson in Life School. The whole idea of here we go again somehow implies a circular thing. We are back to where we started. Right?


Maybe. I realized that maybe this wasn’t a circle at all. Maybe it was more of a spiral. In a spiral one doesn’t actually end up where they have been at all. Shells are spiral in nature. Galaxies spiral. Water spirals down a drain. Spirals are beautiful, creative, even generative. Spirals are three dimensional. When one is caught in a spiral you might be moving inward or upward, but you are never exactly back where you started.

At first glance the movie Groundhog’s Day seems to be exploring this dynamic of here we go again. In it, Paul (Bill Murray) finds himself caught in a loop reliving Groundhog’s Day in a small town that he loathes. Every morning the alarm wakes him to the tune of Sonny and Cher’s song “I Got You Babe.” The character of Paul is in fact reliving the same day over and over – a never-ending circle. The same people approach him with the same needs and questions. The groundhog always sees his shadow. The snowstorm is always there to shut down the highway which would take him home to the big city. He’s just going in circles, right?


In fact, Paul is entirely aware that he is reliving the day. As day after day unfolds he begins to see and experience the community differently. He begins to form relationships, even friendships. For example, over the course of same-day months, Paul’s indifference to the local homeless man turns to compassion. He demonstrates over and over that he is shifting from cynical and selfish to generous and loving. It turned out he isn’t simply circling on a single plane of existence; he is spiraling toward a better version of himself. He makes progress each day until he escapes the pattern all together. Once he finds love and can love another, Paul wakes to a brand new day – literally.

A few steps

And this is the clue to my lesson in Life School: identifying the pattern. Here we go again! doesn’t have to result in frustration. What if it is the signal of a pattern that deserves another look? Shift that phrase from Here we go again to Here it is again. Why? A bit of curiosity goes a long way. Curiosity opens us up to learning and growth. It looks a bit like this:

Growth through Here we go again.
Recognize a pattern in play.
Identify the pattern.
Wonder what the pattern indicates.
Ask Here it is again. Why?
Unpack the learning opportunity.

Only through working through and learning from it will I come to a point where I am set free from the pattern. In fact, I have a few friends who experienced healing and growth through a form of therapy called Family Constellations. It is a “methodology to free yourself from the damaging repetitive patterns, behaviors and emotions that are limiting your life in some way today that you have unconsciously taken on from your family system” (Hellinger Institute).

Until recently I hadn’t really thought about associating such here we go again moments with circles or spirals. I was only annoyed by the moments. But once I realized I was engaging in a pattern, I became curious. What would that pattern look like? A circle? A spiral? And what could understanding this pattern illuminate for me? What was my opportunity for growth?

While admittedly I am still learning, at least now I am aware. And awareness and a willingness to learn and grow are half the battle. 

What opportunity for learning and growth is presenting itself in your here we go again moment?

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Please note, in the future, I will cease manually sending emails but I would love to stay in touch with you, so RE-SUBSCRIBE today.

Celestial Sound Can Help You Navigate Your Journey

By now you’ve already realized that the soothing sounds of the gongs are more than just soothing, they are therapeutic. For decades, I have found much satisfaction in intuitively helping others on their life journeys as they navigate their own life lessons. People who work with me mention the sense of calm and centeredness that I bring as well as useful insights. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please consider booking an individual sound session or buying an individual package. Each forty minute session we co-create a targeted intention that addresses your need, work with the gongs for 20 minutes, and then debrief or journal about your experience. I will email the intention and my notes to you.

Book an individual session in March and use the PROMO CODE sent to you as a subscriber to receive your 50% discount on every individual session you book during March 2025!


Sound Energy Collective Spreads Peace

Eleven participants enjoyed the harmonious sounds of gongs, chimes, bowls, and rainsticks on February 7th with four sound practitioners known as Sound Energy Collective. We intend to have another event in May, so keep a look out for those announcements.

Coming Soon: Brain Enrichment! at the ADRC

Beginning March 5th, Brenda will be co-teaching a 10 week course at the ADRC called Brain Enrichment! Want to keep sharp as you age? This course if for older adults with normal cognitive decline. Cost $35. Contact the ADRC ASAP. (See image for details)

Free Event: Brain Awareness Event

Has someone close to you experienced brain changes? Caring for someone with dementia, Parkinson’s, or traumatic brain injury? Or are you experiencing your own brain changes as you age? Join us at Brain Awareness Event for FREE March 13 at the STEM Center (UW-GB). For more information or to register:

March Classes

2nd – ($15) Guided Meditation and Gongs @ American Shaman (Becoming My True Song series)

3rd – ($40) Good Vibes: Gong and Reiki @ Mindful Reiki and Meditation

5th – (Free) Gong Meditation @ ADRC

8th – ($15) Morning Sound Bath with Gongs @ 9th Street Wellness Center East

14th- ($40) Full Moon Sound Bath with Brenda and Melissa @ Light Minded People

21st – ($25) Friday Gong Meditation @ Celestial Sound, Suamico

22nd – ($25/2 ppl) Two for One Gong Meditation @ Celestial Sound, Suamico USE PROMO CODE 241

27th – ($15) Lunchtime Gong Meditation @ Celestial Sound, Suamico

NOTE: I am now using Vagaro as a booking management system. Please make your free account and then book your classes or individual sessions. If you need help or have questions, please click on the tutorial above or text Brenda at 920-932-1471.

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