What’s News?

I don’t know about you, but the warm fall weather has invited me to spend a lot of time in nature enjoying the changing leaves, the sunrises and sunsets and the beautiful supermoon. (I even saw the northern lights and tried to spot that comet). As for Celestial Sound, she is going through a bit of a metamorphosis. But, if you know me, you know I like to go with the flow and see where it leads. So, I am in that weird space of new things popping up but not being fully formed YET.
I must say I LOVED having my first two events at the new Suamico location on the Bay. The Book Me for Friends and Family included metaphysical curiosities as well as a finish right at sunset, which is beautifully on display behind Sensiba Wildlife Area just behind us. The Full Moon Gong was perfectly timed for the moonrise above the Bay and visible out our large windows. Unbelievable!

All this to say, please come and experience a sound bath in Suamico on the Bay sometime soon. Perhaps a lunchtime meditation, a Book Me event, or individual session is in your near future.

The other exciting news is that I have been inspired to finally do something with photos and poetry (other areas of interest my entire life). And so, I have launched Celestial Art. If you are looking for a Christmas present for yourself or others, take a peak and see if there is something you like. So far I have posters of Italian doors and door knockers, 8 x 10 inspirational prints (as shown), and a 2025 Scenic Green Bay calendar available.
Each piece is accompanied by my artist’s statement, so you will know the story behind it. I expect that area of my website to grow over time, so check back or send a message with a good idea for a new piece or product. You never know!
A highlight from October was being invited to have a booth at the Victory Summit at the KI Convention Center. The Davis Phinney Foundation supports families experiencing the challenge of Parkinson’s Disease.

I had hoped to update you on the Overnight Sound Bath planned for October, but alas, with too few registered, we had to cancel. However, watch for future announcements for the next opportunity to experience this intensive healing and deeply restful event.
Finally, in the coming months I intend to offer a monthly membership option. I’ll keep you updated!
Coming Nov. 2nd -“Guiding Caregivers to Wellness”
Is this event for you? Read on.
As a member of the Brown County Caregivers’ Coalition, I have been on a planning committee for the annual celebration of November as Caregivers’ Month, a time to care for the caregiver! Our event is titled “Guiding Caregivers to Wellness.” If you are spending energy and time in your life caring for others – perhaps an aging or dying parent or a child with mental illness or a disability – this event is for you. And it is FREE. Not only that, if you register before this Friday (Oct. 25) you can request respite from the hosts at Curative Connection and they will take care of your loved one for the duration of the event. Also for FREE. That’s what Curative Connection does and they do it well.
The day includes a keynote speaker, several choices of breakout sessions (with yours truly leading “What does Respite Look Like to You?”) and door prizes and giveaways as well as a resource fair of partners from the Caregivers’ Coalition who are there to support caregivers of all types and in all stages of giving care. Lunch is included for you and your registered loved one. Registration closes SOON so register using the button above or call the ADRC directly to speak to someone. (920-448-4300) See more details on the following images.

Group Class Offerings

Full Moon Gong, 11.15 (Pay as you wish/can)
Lunchtime Gong Meditation, 11.7 ($15)
Becoming My True Song: Guided Meditation with Gongs, 11.3 ($15)
Two for One Gong Meditation, 11.23 ($22/2)
Caregivers’ Oasis Gong Meditation (NEW), 11.11 ($15)
Partner-held Events

Guiding Caregivers to Wellness @ Curative Connections, 11.2 (FREE)
Becoming My True Song: Guided meditation with reiki and gongs @ Mindful Reiki and Meditation, 11.13 ($40)
Becoming My True Song: Guided meditation with gongs @ Botanical Garden, 11.14 ($ varies)
Individual Sessions
Tuesday AM availability and by request appointments. See CALENDAR
Single Session Options
60 min @ $50 + mileage
75 min @ $60 + mileage
90 min @ $70 + mileage
In this individual, private sound session we address your emotional, physiological, psychological, or spiritual healing need. You will work with Brenda to discern and articulate a clear, healing intention. Brenda uses intuitive guided meditation and the vibrational frequencies of the gongs to catalyze and assist your self-healing process. Choose a session right for you: 60, 75, or 90 minutes.
Sessions held by appointment at Celestial Sound (3442 Sunset Beach Lane, Suamico) OR at your location (add mileage).
Book Me for Friends and Family

Easy as 1 – 2 – 3!
1. Book a date, time, at your place or mine.
2. Invite your guests.
3. Enjoy your two-hour sound session with Brenda.
$50 deposit
Plus tips + mileage on the day of your event.
What could be better than sharing the calming, peaceful experience of celestial sounds with friends and family?
Personalize your experience.
Intimate group with those you care about in the comfort of your home.
Pets can enjoy the gongs too.
Celebrate a special occasion or host “just because.”
More time for Brenda’s stories, QA, or sharing your experiences
Book as many times as you want; every experience is different.
Have a large group? We can do that, too.
Book Me session held by appointment
Stay Connected and Share
It is my passion and pleasure to support you in your health and well-being. Please consider supporting me by sharing my information with friends, employers, schools, and assisted living facilities in your life.

Website: CelestialSoundGB.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/brenda.gongplayer
Instagram: celestialsoundgb
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